
Saturday 28 November 2015


The natural way for solving the word call INFERTILITY can sound exciting when it gives you breakthrough in pregnancy.....
Infact, most women who base on conventional treatments to speed their chances of reversing infertility FAIL and even end up worse than the starting stage because they refused to learn how to FOREVER OFF INFERTILITY. 80% of infertility are not that spiritual problem that you may think but information you receive from people may be the result of why you're unable to reverse infertility and get pregnant quickly.

>>> It's most better for a couples to know and study the ovulation period and when you are most fertile. You are delay and look frustrated due to lack of information and knowledge, for instance many people belief that the moment they stop birth control assure their chances in quick pregnancy and with this they will begin doing wrong calculation for themselves and start panic.


As we all know that when a couple is inability to conceive is know as infertility, but how can a woman know is having this problem? ------
>>>>A woman can know when notice a long time menstrual cycle  (taking 37 days or more before cycle)
>>>>A short cycle (like 18 or less) shows infertility symptom in woman  
>>>>Absence or Irregular menstruation can also serve as great symptom which shows the lake ovulation  

Firstly, you need to figure out and KNOW when most fertile period you are, research from Institute of Environmental Health Sciences shows, six days period time
last for a woman fertile this shows the time in which an egg from ovaries is released, telling us the chances for quick pregnant is high at this time.

TIPS for Infertility reversing and get quick pregnancy

Stage 1 :Period of your ovulation

Endometrium (mucous membrane that lines the uterus) shedding monthly during menstruation which last between three to seven days, progesterone (A steroid hormone produced in the ovary; prepares and maintains the uterus for pregnancy) and estogen (term for female steroid sex hormones that are secreted by the ovary and responsible for typical female sexual characteristics) level rise and begin rebuilding endomentrium by the third day, Follicle (small sphere group of cells containing a cavity) become mature to go above or increases the chances for quick pregnancy which shows the preparation of ovaries for egg release unless you are early ovulator type (we have 14 days timing ovulaton before you start period)---- you can get your ovulation timing from the help of an ovulation predictor kit). A perfect ovulating time give man sperm little chances with the egg release by woman to off infertility I mean got quick pregnant from this cycle phase

What you need at this time to off infertility

1). Need of sperm by your partner: When you perfectly study the ovulation timing your partner  is , you need to engage more sex with the partner cus chance for getting pregnant is very high at this time. Note; The best time to got pregnant is the your ovulating timing when you are ovulating is the best possible change to conceive
2). Regular intercourse is needed: Your ovulation time is in need of regular intercourse with your partner because you are most fertile during this cycle
3).  A normal uterus and an open fallopian tubes is needed: The fallopian tube is where the egg release by ovaries and sperm produce by man meet just that the  an healthy place is needed for pregnancy to grow.

Stage 2: Pre-ovulation

A frequent sex is recommend with two to three times in a week if you can, because day one of the cycle is when bleeding begins, this take about three to five days. An egg in the ovaries begin develop fully by the seven day in the cycle result from series of hormonal charges (where vaginal discharges that look like Elastic when touch , this will turn cream and white within few days..... this sign give you a clear indicator that your cervical mucus is alive and ovulation is on the way) ... the uterus lining begin thicken between days seventh and eleventh .....  The help of Luteinizing hormone after day eleventh give rise to the matured egg to grant freedom from the ovary and start moving up and down in the fallopian tubes to the uterus at this cycle a bright chances occurs.
NOTE: Sperm can stay up to five days if it's embarrassing position in fertile cervical mucus, and most time an egg is not technically released during this phase but your step up in sexual routine is highly needed if you are the type that ovulate earlier than planned.


At this stage I will welcome you to the act of reversing infertility and get quick pregnancy no matter how you period long you must start your ovulation cycle of 14 days before the next scheduled period. At this period you will begin to sense sign of high in temperature rise more than half degree, this will happen when you  implied time to discharge eggs (ovulating) at this time with good sex give you great chances to reverse infertility and get quick pregnancy.
Another high indication of fertility is a change in the consistency your cervical mucus. "You'll see discharge in your vaginal that increases in amount and has the consistency of egg whites, signaling it's the perfect time to have intercourse, your chances of quick pregnancy is also high with this sign.

STAGE 4: Post-ovulation

Post-ovulation is also know as (days past ovulation) luteal phase, this cycle is after ovulation occur and it take minimum of 13 days to maximum of 16 days  A steroid hormone begin rises saying that an egg release by the ovaries is okay for the month, this will tell cervical mucus to dry off and prevent the coming of sperm from the uterus by creating of  Blockage in the fallopian tube, Following ovulation, the egg travels the fallopian tube toward the uterus. If the egg is fertilized by a sperm (conception), then inplantation should take place in the uterus (if implantation takes place outside the womb, this is an ectopic pregnancy). Pregnancy begins if implantation occurs. If the egg is not fertilized, it will expire and be released in about 24 hours. Without fertilization, levels of certain hormones will decrease, causing the lining of the uterus to break down and shed - otherwise known as menstruate, or a woman's "period". The first day of bleeding is "day one" of the next menstrual cycle.

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