
Friday 13 November 2015




Infertility is a means by which a woman is unable to //CONCEIVED// after so many years in marriage despite having regular unprotected sex.
For a woman to be pregnant undergoes many steps>>>>>>>>>>>>

---First, ovulation process must undergo, this is the stage of releasing eggs by woman from ovaries;
Egg release by woman from Fallopian tube to uterus join together with man's sperm, power (fertilize) the egg along the way.

The Uterus (implantation) must go along way with the fertilized egg aswell.
Any problem from this help infertility.

How common is infertility problem?
Yeah, according from doctor research women between age of 20 to 45 have almost 20 percent infertility in United kingdom in which bring difficulty in getting conceive or staying pregnant.

Can we say infertility is only woman's problem?

No, theword called infertility is both for women and men, with this, shows not only women is having infertility problem, well, fertility problem are one-third from man while infertility problem cases with one third are caused by women's.


Infertility can be caused by many potential, the causes of infertility can be by different things so we cannot specific identified the caused. We know that problems caused by fertility affect man or woman.

Common caused of infertility in woman
>>>Lack of regular ovulation {an egg release monthly}
This problem occurs when there's immature in eggs in the ovaries or when the ovaries fail to release a mature egg. Ovulation problems are common in women with infertility.

Possible symptoms:
Absent or infrequent periods, unusually light or heavy menstrual bleeding, or lack of such premenstrual symptoms as bloating or breast tenderness.

>>>Endometriosis and Fallopian tubes blockage

Endometriosis is a condition that occurs when tissue normally found in the lining of the uterus (endometrial tissue) grows outside the uterus, usually in the abdomen or pelvis. This can
cause infertility because the new growths form adhesions (sticky areas of tissue) or cysts (fluid-filled sacs) that can block or distort the pelvis. These make it difficult for an egg to be released and become implanted into the womb.

Possible symptoms:
Some women have no symptoms, while others have painful periods or intercourse, heavy bleeding or unusual spotting, and general pelvic pain.

>>>Poor egg quality

 The quality and number of eggs the ovaries produce – naturally or with fertility treatment – declines significantly after age 35.

Possible symptoms:

>>>Polycystic ovarian syndrome

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a condition in which small follicles in the ovaries don't develop into the larger, mature follicles that release eggs. It's also characterized by hormone imbalances and unpredictable ovulation patterns.

 Possible solutions:
Lifestyle modifications (like diet and exercise), clomiphene citrate, injected fertility drugs, ovarian drilling (a surgical procedure that can trigger ovulation), and IVF. In women with glucose intolerance, the diabetes drug metformin (Glucophage) can also help restore regular ovulation.

>>>Tubal factors

Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes prevent sperm from getting to your egg and also prevent the fertilized egg from getting to your uterus. Leading causes of tube problems include pelvic inflammatory disease, sexually transmitted infections (such as chlamydia), and previous sterilization surgery.
  Possible symptoms:

>>>Unexplained fertility problems

Your doctor may diagnose an unexplained fertility problem if there's no obvious reason for your infertility
(meaning all test results are normal).

Some experts believe subtle differences in the way the reproductive system works may cause this type of infertility.
This can include differences in follicle development, sperm function, or the fertilization process.

Experts also theorize that lifestyle factors – such as being significantly underweight or overweight, regularly
consuming too much caffeine or alcohol, and smoking – may be contributing factors as well.

Possible symptoms:

Fertility Supplements For Men


The man should ensure that he protects his sperm by using a regular dose of Vitamin C twice daily. Vitamin C is anantioxidant that works by blocking off the action of free radicals that causes cell damage to the body. To enhance fertility greatly, the man also needs, just like the woman a fertility product. This time around, he could
use “VITOFIT For Men”. This one is a 100% natural supplement for sexual health.
VITOFIT For Men” helps in addition to boosting fertility in men, it helps the man to maintain stamina, increase sperm
count, prevent fatigue during sex, promote libido, sexual potency and energy, and improve a healthy prostrate condition.
You can get “VITOFIT For Men” By Clicking Here!

Lose Weight To Boost Fertility For Women

If you are currently overweight and you want to increase your chance of conception, you need to lose weight as
soon as you can.
The reason is body fat produces the Estrogen hormone, and too much Estrogen in the body impairs your ability to conceive.
Being too thin could also cause infertility because without enough body fat, you may not be able to ovulate normally.
And if you want to lose weight quickly to increase your chance of conception, you may need the infertility product to help you achieve this in record time.

WATCH Your Fertile Periods And BECOME a mother


Conception happens during the most fertile days of the woman, and if the man has a healthy sexual state, conception could happen with the help of sexual intercourse.
      It is very important that the woman know how to calculate her fertile days (menstruate period) if she has regular ovulation which certainly can be achieved with the use of this natural supplements. This way the most fertile days for conception can be determined.
 If you’re really interested in solving the problem of infertility, it’s vital that you invest in a quality supplements,
because infertility in men and women may be linked to nutrient deficiency.
NOTE// that it takes a minimum of 3 months for immature eggs in the ovaries to mature enough to be released during ovulation in women. For the men, it takes over 2 months for the sperm cells to be fully matured and to provide quality sperm, quality supplements are needed during this time.
And those quality supplements can be found in the “Fertility Booster” for women, and “Fertiaid for Men, both of which you can order immediately and have it delivered to you in days.
Ultimately, gift of children is from God because he is the giver of life and I believe couple with infertility issue should not forget to seek His face for this precious gift. My personal opinion though.

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  1. I never knew God love me to this extent. Brothers and Sisters this is my story. I have been married for over 6 years and I was unable to have a child, the doctor says I have issues with my womb, so I undergo several treatments, but none worked for me. I was about going for adoption. But few years ago I meant with someone who introduced me to a herbal doctor, she said the herbal doctor helped her friend with herbal medicine and her friend could conceive and have a child, so she advised me to try the herbal way. This is a thing I have never thought of in my life because I have never used any herbal medicine since I was given birth to. But I decided to key in and try the herbal doctor remedy. So I contacted him, his name is Doctor Uwadia Amenifo and he prepared the herbs for me, and I started to take it. I took it for some time, and he advised me on time to have sex with my husband so I continue and was doing according to his direction. Behold to cut the story short I took in, and I conceive and bear a child. Today I can boldly say I am a happy mother. Please if you are out there and you are thinking of adopting a child just because the doctor said to you that you cannot have your own child, I want to say no, don’t adopt any child just contact doctor Uwadia Amenifo, and let him give you his herbal medicine that will open up your womb. And I assure you in no time you will have your own baby. His contact details are email ( and his phone number is (+2349052015874).

  2. I got such a good information on this topic its very interesting one. You made a good site and I have found a similar website,please check this one male infertility clinic visit the site to know more about fertility.
