
Saturday 7 November 2015

Natural Solution to Infertility In Women

I am writing this article today as a result of countless request I received from my readers with over 70% of the request bothering on infertility. After I wrote extensively on Fibroid and way out of it recently, questions on different reasons why infertility is still profiling high kept coming in and so, I decided to let you into my findings about this serious issue.
The growing rate of infertility around the world today is something that calls for attention. When I tried doing some little digging on IVF, particularly in Nigeria, I found out its becoming the last option for couple who are unable to produce. A little check with google about IVF in Nigeria gave me about 416,000 results within 0.50 seconds.

You may begin to wonder, what IVF is? Well, IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is the process of fertilization by manually combining an eggIVF and sperm in a laboratory dish, and then transferring the embryo to the uterus.
Well, it may sound good as couple with infertility problem now sees this as a way to get out of this issue of childlessness but the sad part of this is that most people go through this process more than once before they get it right. In fact, I heard a story of a couple who did it twice in Abuja, Nigeria without any result before they eventually went to do it in India. So, they got a baby after the third one in India.
Now, how much do you think IVF cost? I am not here to compare price for IVF provider but what I know is that the cheapest service will cost you more than a Million Naira per session.
According to Medical World in Nigeria, between 20 to 25 percent of married couples are unable to conceive within the first or second year of marriage.
And that is why about 40 to 45 percent of all consultations done in gynecological clinics are infertility related.
Now, not only in Nigeria, similar trend follows In the U.S
According to my digging, One in every four U.S couples has infertility problems. 40 percent of this is due to female factors, and another 40 percent due to male factors, while the rest 20 percent is due to a combination of both causes.
Without being told, you should know that infertility is a prevalent problem indeed.
Now the question is…
What Exactly Is Infertility?
Yes! Infertility is the inability of a woman to become pregnant after a year or more of sperm insemination or well-timed, unprotected vaginal intercourse.
You should know that Infertility may be a temporary or a permanent condition; this depends on the available treatments, the cause, and the fertility of the partner at any particular point in time.
Generally, people attribute infertility to be an isolated case of gender and thereby seeing it as a “woman’s problem”. Unfortunately, the reality is that infertility problem is both ways. The fastest way of solving infertility problem in a couple is to evaluate both the man and the woman. Both of them should be treated because the problem could be from one of them which can be the man or the woman or both of them.
My reasons for saying this is based on the fact that conception depends on the following factors…
  • For conception to happen, the man must produce a healthy spam, and the woman a healthy egg.
  • The sperm’s ability to reach the egg after intercourse
  • The sperm’s ability to fertilize the egg when they meet
  • If the fallopian tubes are not blocked, access to the egg by the sperm is enhanced
  • The ability of the fertilized eggs to become implanted in the uterus.
Infertility Comes In Different Forms
  1. Primary Infertility is for women who have never become pregnant in their lives
  2. Secondary infertility is for women who have given birth the first time, but having problem with conceiving again.
  3. Infertility Miscarriages. Recurrent Miscarriage is for women who experience two or more successive miscarriages.
What Are The Causes Of Infertility?
Here are some of the possible causes of Infertility
  • Chronic Illnesses and their associated treatments
  • Diabetes
  • Antidepressant drugs could lead to irregular menstrual cycles
  • Treatments or drugs for hypertension could cause male infertility
  • Low sperm count, low quality sperm could be caused from various factors
  • Cancer treatments, radiation therapy near reproductive organs could make them become infertile.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases could cause blockage of the fallopian tube and prevent access to entry of the sperm.
  • Uterine fibroid
Even with this being said, I went further to get an understanding that in men sometimes, the problem of infertility is caused by so many factors.
Sometimes, a man is born with problems affecting his sperms, and he will have problem with producing quality sperm that can impregnate a woman.
At times, this problem could be caused because of injury or illness.
Generally, there are some things we do on daily basis that could cause infertility in homes.
Here are some of them…
  • Poor diet
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
  • Tobacco smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Being overweight or underweight
  • Cancer
  • Environmental toxins, pesticides and lead
  • Stress
  • Ill-health that causes hormonal changes in women
  • Medications for certain illness
  • Cancer radiation treatment and chemotherapy
  • Aging
Is There A Way Out Of Infertility?
There are ways out of it for sure but you have to know what exactly is the cause of your own infertility before you can know how to tackle it.
It is so unfortunate that some couple do not even know the root cause of their infertility problem as they continue using headache medication for diarrhea. Some men will even consider it an insult to go for a test because they believe it is their wives who is having problem.
In a situation where couple finds it impossible to get pregnant after a year or two of marriage and regular unprotected sex, then both of them should have themselves examined but if the problem is miscarriage, then it is a woman issue and so the woman should be checked extensively for the cause.
For those women with fibroid issue, kindly check my article which gives a natural alternative to shrinking it as opposed to surgery HERE.
Another easy way out of infertility problem is IVF which of course is not what every couple can afford due to huge amount of money involved in getting it done. Clearly, the percentage of couple affected by infertility who cannot afford the cost of IVF is much greater than the percentage of couple with the same issue who are rich enough to take this option.
When you take a very critical look, you will discover that most of the health problems we have (Infertility inclusive), is due to what we eat or do. It is also a known fact that we cannot get all the nutrients we need to be healthy in the foods we eat.
Therefore, we need natural food supplements that is capable of  helping us and to this end I advice couple with infertility issue to try the natural supplements below:
One very good food supplement that a couple suffering from the problems of infertility can use is “Fertility Boost”
This product helps the woman especially, and many women who used it have seen serious changes, and conception has happened.
You need to supplement your normal foods with this powerful all natural product to help you increase your chance of conception.
You can get this product by clicking here. Get Fertility Boost Here!
Fertility Supplements For Men
The man should ensure that he protects his sperm by using a regular dose of Vitamin C twice daily. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that works by blocking off the action of free radicals that causes cell damage to the body.
To enhance fertility greatly, the man also needs, just like the woman a fertility product. This time around, he could use “VITOFIT For Men”. This one is a 100% natural supplement for sexual health.
“VITOFIT For Men” helps in addition to boosting fertility in men, it helps the man to maintain stamina, increase sperm count, prevent fatigue during sex, promote libido, sexual potency and energy, and improve a healthy prostrate condition.
Lose Weight To Boost Fertility For Women
If you are currently overweight and you want to increase your chance of conception, you need to lose weight as soon as you can. The reason is body fat produces the Estrogen hormone, and too much Estrogen in the body impairs your ability to conceive.
Being too thin could also cause infertility because without enough body fat, you may not be able to ovulate normally.
And if you want to lose weight quickly to increase your chance of conception, you may need the Clean-9 product to help you achieve this in record time.
Target Your Fertile Periods And Conceive
Conception happens during the most fertile days of the woman, and if the man has a healthy sexual state, conception could happen if sexual intercourse takes place.
It is very important that the woman know how to calculate her fertile days if she has regular ovulation which certainly can be achieved with the use of this natural supplements. This way the most fertile days for conception can be determined.
If you’re really interested in solving the problem of infertility, it’s vital that you invest in a quality supplements, because infertility in men and women may be linked to nutrient deficiency.
Bear in mind that it takes a minimum of 3 months for immature eggs in the ovaries to mature enough to be released during ovulation in women. For the men, it takes over 2 months for the sperm cells to be fully matured and to provide quality sperm, quality supplements are needed during this time.
And those quality supplements can be found in the “Fertility Booster” for women, and “VITOFIT For Men”, both of which you can order immediately and have it delivered to you in days.
Ultimately, gift of children is from God because he is the giver of life and I believe couple with infertility issue should not forget to seek His face for this precious gift. My personal opinion though.
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