
Saturday 7 November 2015

Facts About Fibroid And Reliable Solution

After so many years of asking questions on what actually causes Fibroid, I finally hit my conclusion on this highly dreaded health condition every woman fears to hear. If you can allow me to take few minutes from your time today, I will explain in clear terms all you need to know about fibroid and how best to handle and overcome this women health killer called fibroid.

Please read, digest the information, and if you or someone you know is affected by this disease, you can forward this piece to them so that they too can become as informed as you are. I’m sure you will enjoy it.

What Is a Fibroid?
As many people already know, fibroids are known as non-cancerous growths found in or on the muscular wall of the womb.
Now, you must know that these growths vary in sizes. Some fibroid can be as small as a pea, while some can be as large as a 7 or 8 month old foetus. Yes!
As experienced by some women with fibroid, some carry the size of fibroid which would make people  believe they are pregnant while they are indeed not..
Fibroid  got different names and this depends on where they grow inside a woman and this leads us to listing the types of fibroid below:
Types of Fibroids
  1. Submucosal fibroids: This is the type of fibroid that grows on the inside of the womb
  2. Subserol fibroids: This is the type of fibroid that grows on the outside of the womb
  3. Intramural fibroids: This is the type of fibroid that grows on the wall of the womb
According to my research, studies have shown that fibroid affect up to 20 percent of women above the age of 30.  It also showed that women below the age of 20 hardly experience the problem of fibroid. Although, there is no research evidence to show or prove that fibroid is genetic, yet, it seems to run in some families.
 What Are The Symptoms?
There is a major symptom associated with fibroid and that happens when a woman has heavy periods.
The heavy flow (period/menstruation) is caused by the growth of fibroid inside the womb and this disrupts the normal function of the menstrual flow.
It is not every woman who has fibroid who experience pains. Most women who have fibroid, experience no pain at all, whereas, others do. Usually, this pain is a slight pain caused because of the pressure exerted by the fibroid, which causes a dragging sensation in the abdomen.
In most cases, however, fibroid patient may not notice it, if the fibroid growth does not exert any pressure on the neighbouring organs.

And for these people, they can live with the fibroid for many years without problem.fibroid1
Still in other cases, fibroid has caused infertility in women, and have been responsible for many miscarriages that happen among women. If a woman has fibroid, it may be difficult to maintain the growth of a baby till childbirth happens.
Fibroid do cause miscarriage in women and it happens because these fibroid growth most times are so enlarged in the womb that it distorts the normal space that the baby occupies for growth.
As a result of this distortion, a fertilized egg will have problem with implantation on the walls or lining of the uterus because a fibroid is there already. When implantation fails to happen, miscarriage may result.

There are other possible symptoms of fibroid and these can happen if the fibroid presses or exerts pressure on organs such as the bowel or bladder. In this situation because these organs are always “under pressure”, the sufferer will now experience frequent urination, constipation or even backache.
Truly, some women may experience lower abdominal swelling, making it look as if they are in their early stage of pregnancy, whereas they’re not.

Causes and Side Effects of Fibroid
fibNow, the one million dollar question is, what exactly is responsible for the growth of Fibroid in the body?
Currently doctors and scientists DO NOT know the exact causes of Uterine Fibroid. However, researches and clinical experiences point to just TWO FACTORS that may be responsible.
  1. Hereditary Factors
Experiences have shown in many clinical cases that fibroid run in families. Just like I have mentioned above, this study do not have any research or scientific proof to back it up.
  1. The Estrogen And Progesterone Hormones
Two hormones responsible for stimulating the development of the uterine lining during each menstrual cycle in preparation for pregnancy are Estrogen and Progesterone.
These two hormones appear to promote the growth of Fibroid in women when they are above normal in the body.
In other words there is an Estrogen Dominance in the body of victims because fibroid contain more estrogen and progesterone receptors than normal uterine muscles do.

Effects of Estrogen Dominance In The Body
When there is too much Estrogen in the body, beside the cause of Fibroid, it brings along with it the following health problems.
  • Risk of Cancer growth in the breast and other areas of the body
  • Infertility
  • Weight gain
  • The formation of small cysts (tumor) inside the breasts
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Acne
  • Hair loss

Story Of A Woman With Fibroid
There is a woman I used to know who had the problem of Fibroid for many years. Fortunately for the woman, her fibroid was discovered when she had her first child, a baby girl.
Doctors advised her to go for a surgery to remove the fibroid. But she was unwilling to do so. After the first child was born, having another child became a great problem.
Most pregnancies thereafter resulted to miscarriages. At the end of the day, the woman gave in to her doctors’ advice and went for a surgery.
The Fibroid was removed. About 18 months later, it was discovered that the fibroid has grown again, and she had another surgery.
Almost 2 years after the second surgery, yet another fibroid growth was noticed in her body.
She gave up trying to remove the fibroid via a surgery. Eventually, she used a special medication and melted away all the fibroid.
Almost 8 years after her first pregnancy, she conceived again, and this time, she was able to maintain the pregnancy – no miscarriage- till the baby was born.
Treatment [Shrinking Fibroid Growth]
Fibroid can be treated in two ways, and we are going to look at them one by one.
Treatment #1 – Surgery
fibroid surgeryThe quickest way to solve the problem of fibroid is through surgery.  However, there are a lot disadvantages going this route.
The experience of the woman I related about earlier actually had two major operations on fibroid, and after some time, the fibroid came back.
Do you know why there is a high chance of the Fibroid to grow back after it has been removed from the body?
It is because surgery DO NOT treat the CAUSE of Fibroid. It only treats the symptoms and the manifestation of the disease. That is, cutting off the fibroid tissue.
The known cause of Fibroid is Estrogen Dominance. In other words, the only way to stop the growth of fibroid is to limit everything that causes the production of excess Estrogen hormones to be stored in the body.

The presence of excess estrogen hormones in the body feeds the growth of fibroid, meaning that, as long as this estrogen level is NOT MINIMIZED, the fibroid growth will continue.
And that also means, cutting off the fibroid via a surgery is only a temporary solution, not a permanent one. It will grow back to replace the one cut off in a short time.
If you want to treat the problem of Fibroid, you need to eliminate what feeds the fibroid to grow. When that happens, if there are existing fibroid, they will starve, and gradually shrink to death.

Treatment #2 – Herbal Remedies
herbsThe next more reliable but slow method to actually shrink the fibroid to death is to use herbal remedies for 3 months.
Here are the things you need to do.
  1. Strengthen Your Liver
The first thing you need to do to strengthen your liver is to detoxify your body from other contaminants. Your liver metabolizes the estrogen that is available in the body.
If the liver is overloaded and overworked, it will not be able to metabolize the estrogen to the normal level responsible for pregnancy to occur or just to the normal level for a human body.
When I say you have to detoxify your body this time, I do not mean the 3 days detox, or 7 days detox or even 30 days detoxification. You will need to detoxify your body continuously for 90 days, thereafter you can continue like that once in a while if you like.
Detoxification makes the liver stronger and helps it to work at optimal capacity.
And to do this, you will need the help of one of the trusted herbal products for fibroid. It’s called Fibrofit.

  1. Decrease The Amount of Estrogen Hormones In Your Body
To control the amount of Estrogen in your body, you will need to watch what you eat. You must as a matter of fact, eliminate poor diet. Your food choices must be a selection of the most natural foods you can find.
And that means, you will avoid foods that could trigger the production of the hormone Estrogen.
And that also means, you will cut out foods like…
  • Dairy foods
  • Alcohol
  • Completely eliminate sugar from your foods
  • Caffeine
  • All processed foods
Fill your diet with foods that could be found in nature unprocessed, like plenty greens, fruits in moderation, drink plenty of water.

  1. Use Natural Dietary Supplements  
It is a known fact that we cannot get all the nutrients we need in the body from the foods we eat, we need to supplement our diets to help us with adequate supply of these nutrients.
The herbal supplements that actually helped the woman that I told her story earlier, is called  Fibrofit.
This herbal supplement has a total of 5 individual products; each one plays a vital role in helping you to shrink the fibroid growth available in the body.

And they do this by helping in the metabolism of the hormone Estrogen and with the assistance of a cleaned or detoxified Liver, the right quantities of this hormone is maintained resulting in the shrinking of the fibroid over a few months period. It is suggested you use it for 3 months for maximum result.
You will start noticing visible signs of your health improving from the second week of using Fibrofit.
If you need Fibrofit, you can get it by clicking here. Get Fibrofit HERE.

When you endeavour to treat [shrink] fibroid using natural method, you will start noticing changes in your body from the second week. Your fibroid will shrink month by month and you will find out that your menstrual cycles continue to improve as each month passes by.
Your life will improve, and your energy levels will rise as your body is restored.
If you contemplate surgery, I think you should first try this option for 3 months, go back to the hospital to check if the fibroid is still the same or not, before finally deciding. From experience, i know your decision may eventually negates surgery.
Whatever you do, let consistency be your keyword when making these life changes so that your body will remain a healthy and unfriendly environment for fibroid growth to happen.
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Product Recommendation For FIBROID
Click the Link Below:

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